Category: 2025 Messages

Notes from church service sermons, Bible studies, and other topics in 2025.

  • No Job Too Small

    No Job Too Small

    We have all seen this expression. It could be in an ad or on the side of a truck: “No job too big or too small.” This is showing that this person is ready to do whatever you need done; they just want to work.


    In the Old Testament, there is a short book – only one chapter – written by a prophet named Obadiah. It has a very simple message of God’s deliverance of His people and judgment on those who were hurting them.
    We know nothing about this prophet. We don’t know where he lived. We don’t know when he lived. We don’t know if he was rich or poor, whether he was married, whether he had children. We do know that he had a message from God and He was faithful to deliver it.

    Obadiah’s Purpose

    Some people might question why Obadiah had to write this book. We have many other prophets who told almost exactly the same message. Why did we need one more? There is no way for us to know exactly what was happening at that time and why they needed this particular man to be sent to them. We do know that God had a purpose and a plan for Obadiah and His people.
    We also know that we can receive encouragement from this book even today. God always takes care of His people. In the end, the righteous and unrighteous will be judged justly.

    Business Efficiency

    In business, the way to make money is to minimize your expenses and maximize your income. To some extent, every business has to do this, so that they will have money to pay rent, pay their employees, etc. If all they care about is making money (and that should not be all they care about), they will focus on what makes them the most money.
    Suppose a business had a customer who comes in once every year or two and buys something for $3.00, and it costs the company $2.00 to make it. That business only makes $1.00 every year or two from this customer.
    Then, suppose that the same business had a customer who came in every day and bought another item for $300.00, and it only costs the company $20.00 to make it. The business makes $280.00 every time this customer comes in.
    Which customer do you think will get more attention? The business will probably also ask the $300.00 customer if they have any friends who would like to come in. The business might even tell the $3.00 client that they don’t want them to come in anymore; they only want to focus on the rich people.

    God’s Economy

    God does not operate that way. He already owns everything. What is valuable to God is usually different than what most people consider valuable.

    Jesus had many people following Him. Everywhere He went, many people came to hear Him and see Him heal people and cast out demons. People were coming from all over Israel, and even other countries.

    The Individual

    Jesus always focused on reaching people, whether in crowds or just one person. He cared nothing about fame and fortune. He wanted to reach people who were hurting, people who were suffering, people that society did not consider valuable, much like our $3.00 customer earlier.

    Judea was in the southern part of Israel, and Galilee was in the north. Samaria was in between. There was a lot of hatred and racism between the Jews and the Samaritans. “Righteous” Jews, when they had to travel between the northern and southern regions, would usually go around Samaria, so they could avoid becoming “unclean” by being around the Samaritans.
    In verse 4, we see that Jesus “had to pass through Samaria.” He knew that someone was there who needed Him, and He wanted to reach her. He “had to pass through Samaria” to reach her.
    Jesus and His disciples came to this town, Sychar, in Samaria, around noon (the sixth hour). He was hot and thirsty.

    Breaking Barriers

    In that day, there was no indoor plumbing, except maybe for the king and very rich people. Usually, the women would go early in the morning (when it was cooler) to the town’s well, so they could get water for the day. This woman came in the hottest part of the day, so she was probably an outcast in that town.
    Jews would typically not even speak with Samaritans, because they felt that they were “unclean.” In addition, Jewish men would not want to speak alone with a woman, especially a Samaritan woman, because someone might think they were being immoral.
    Jesus did not care about the traditions or prejudices of people. He wanted everyone to experience true, abundant life – the life that only He can give.

    Living Water

    Jesus now tells her about a supernatural, eternal gift that He has, waiting right in front of her. All she has to do is ask Him, and He will give it to her. This is just like today – Jesus is right here, waiting to give each one of us a new, abundant life. All we have to do is ask Him.
    She still thinks that He is talking about natural water, because the term “living water” was commonly used to refer to water that moved, like with a spring. At the same time, she is seeing that there seems to be something different about this man.

    Never-ending Water

    What Jesus had to offer was better than a never-ending, artesian well. He came to give her new life.
    Jesus told her about her five husbands, and the man that she was currently living with. He told her that there is a better way to live and worship. The way that she had been taught to believe was wrong. He was there to show her a better way. He was there, because He was the better way. He was the Messiah, the Savior of the world, sitting right in front of her.

    Eternal Life

    Jesus brought eternal life to a town that probably never would have heard His message otherwise.
    Even though he had places to be, He took two days to be with these people and give them everlasting, abundant life.
    Even though He was tired and thirsty, He still took time to speak with this woman.
    Even though society said that He shouldn’t talk or associate with her or any of the other Samaritans, He did not care. He wanted them to have new life, and be with Him forever.

    John the Baptist

    John the Baptist came just before Jesus did. Let’s look at his life a little.

    Jesus had some very high praise for John, as did the average Jewish person. People heard John’s message and knew that they needed to change.


    The Old Testament prophets prophesied about John. He also had an angel announce his miraculous birth. As he ministered, though, some people did not like how he was preaching righteousness and living a godly life. This included the king and his wife, who were living in adultery. Up until this point, it looked like John was having a major impact. People were turning away from their sins and turning to God, but not everyone.

    Herodias and her daughter plotted to kill John, in spite of the king’s wishes, which they were able to do. John was only thirty years old, just starting his ministry as a priest and a prophet, then he was thrown in prison and killed by evil people.

    John’s entire ministry only lasted about six months.

    A Wasted Life?

    We see this tragedy and think what a waste this was. Why would God allow this? How much more could John had done, if only he had not been tragically murdered. What was his purpose?
    When we are first introduced to John the Baptist, we see him pointing out who Jesus was.

    John had to come and prepare the way, then baptize Jesus, then testify that Jesus was the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God. His ministry, as short as it was, had to occur before Jesus could come!

    Your Purpose

    It can be tempting sometimes to wonder why we were put here on this earth. Why did God create me? What is my purpose? Why does it seem that everyone else is used by God, except for me?
    God has a purpose and a plan for each one of us. Just because our purpose doesn’t seem like something big to us doesn’t mean it’s not important. Just because other people resist you or try to stop you does not change the fact that you are created in the image of God – created to do great things, even if they are “small” things.

    Rejoice in God that He cares and has a purpose for you, even if you or anyone else can’t see it right now.


    We would love to speak with you or have you worship the Lord with us. Please let us know how we can serve you.

  • The Value of Your Salvation

    Something Precious

    Have you ever saved up for something a long time, waiting until you finally had enough money to buy it? Maybe it was a new bike or a new car (or new to you). You might have even parked it away from everyone else, just so it wouldn’t get scratched. It didn’t matter that you had to walk further. This was something that you wanted to keep nice for a long time, because it was important to you.
    It’s been said that we spend our time and our money on what is important to us. Think about your life. What do you value most in your life?


    If I build a piece of furniture, it might mean a lot to me. I might have spent many hours designing it, choosing and buying the lumber, cutting everything precisely, assembling it, staining it, then sanding and sealing it. To me, this is worth a lot, because it cost me a lot.
    If I buy two pieces of lumber, then take five minutes to cut them and make a bench out of them, it cost me very little, so I might not consider it worth much.


    It’s also been said that something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. No matter how much I value my piece of furniture, if no one wants to buy it, it is worthless to them.
    If, on the other hand, people see it and fall in love with it, they might start bidding and outbidding each other, just so they can have that piece of furniture. Now, this same piece of furniture just became more valuable, because they consider it valuable.

    Cost of Salvation

    When this scripture says that Christ “redeemed us”, it means that He paid a price for us. He also became a curse for us, because we were cursed.

    Jesus willingly gave His life for us, even though we were sinners, because of His great love.

    Jesus humbled Himself so much that He submitted Himself to God the Father, then He “emptied Himself” and became a man – not just a man, but a servant of men. He then submitted Himself to becoming a curse and the subject of public humiliation.

    For Jesus, this was the highest cost possible.

    Jesus told His disciples, the day before His crucifixion:

    No Value of Salvation

    Even though Jesus created the whole universe, including every person, many people rejected Him, and they still are rejecting Him today. They don’t understand what is available to them if they would only come to Him in repentance.

    To them, the value of their salvation is zero – worthless.

    High Value of Salvation

    I have read stories of Christians refusing to turn away from Jesus, then being killed (martyred) for that decision. Some were killed by lions in the Roman Colosseum. Others were burned to death. Even today, there are many Christians who are being killed because of their faith.
    I have also heard stories of Christians in other countries getting up very early and walking for hours every Sunday, just so they can meet and worship with other Christians. Some even start their weekly journey the night before. After their church service, they make the trip back home.

    To these Christians, the value of their salvation is very high – even priceless.

    Your Valuation of Salvation

    The early believers spent as much time together as they could. They were hungry and thirsty for more of God.

    Because some people did not like what Paul and Silas were preaching, they had them beaten and thrown in prison. Instead of complaining to each other and to God, they were rejoicing with songs of praise to God. God responded to their faith with an incredible miracle that caused the salvation of the jailer and his family, along with many others who heard of this story.


    It’s easy to get discouraged when difficult things happen or it looks like no one else cares. Sometimes, it can be hard, painful, or costly to worship the Lord. Do you think it’s just too hard?

    What value do you place on meeting with other Christians?
    What value do you place on your relationship with Jesus?
    Are you willing to sacrifice everything just to remain faithful to Him?


    We would love to speak with you or have you worship the Lord with us. Please let us know how we can serve you.

  • The Great Unknown

    Hard Days

    If you could communicate with a baby while it is still in the womb, how would you describe what was about to happen? How could you convince this child that they were about to go through something very difficult, traumatic even, and everything would change? They would no longer be always warm and well-fed. They would not hear their mother’s relaxing heartbeat all the time. They would have to leave everything that they have ever know. It will be hard, but it is definitely worth it. How would you possibly convey this to the child?

    Life Plan

    God created everything, including time. He exists outside of time. He can see the beginning, the ending, and everything in between, yet He still allows us to make our own decisions, even though He has a plan for us.

    God loves each one of us so much that He has prepared a special “roadmap” for each one of us, with tasks designed just for us. Even though He knows everything that we will do, He never forces us to do anything. We can always choose to follow His path, or to follow our own.

    True Riches

    Jesus told the church in Laodicea that because they were neither hot nor cold for Him, but actually lukewarm, He was going to vomit them out of His mouth. They thought that they were doing really well. They had plenty of money and good clothes. They even prided themselves on their spirituality. Jesus said that they needed something better – something far more valuable – something eternal.

    The Value of Your Soul

    Since we can’t see with our own eyes what actually happens after this life, we might be tempted to say that it doesn’t exist. A baby might think the same thing. They have never known anything other than their mother’s womb. It’s all going great now, so just enjoy it while it lasts.
    That might work for a baby, but God expects more from us.

    Earthly Treasure

    There’s nothing wrong with having plenty of money, but if that is your main focus, it’s like buying a candy bar and paying $10,000,000.00 (10 million dollars) for it. You could do it, but why?
    Your eternal life is priceless, worth more than you can even imagine. There is nothing on this earth that could even compare.

    Heavenly Treasure

    Jesus is saying that there is a way for us to store up treasures in heaven – like a heavenly bank account. We would all love to have a bank account where we could get money whenever we need to, as much as we need. How about a bank account in heaven that lasts forever? That sounds like a deal. How do we open this heavenly bank account?

    Heavenly Banking

    The Christian life is filled with paradoxes. If we want to live a truly abundant, joyful life, one that will last for eternity, we have to die to ourselves and our own selfish ways. If we want true riches, we need to diligently seek after what God wants, not what we want. That is how we make deposits to our eternal savings account.

    Forever Home

    Ever since the Garden of Eden, God has wanted to spend time with us, to “hang out” with us. Jesus said that He went to prepare places for us to live with Him forever. This sounds like a great neighborhood!
    So, how do we get started?

    Forever Life

    We have all made mistakes – so many mistakes that we could never make them right. Only Jesus, Who lived a perfect life, then died for our sins, could forgive them. He then overcame death, so that we could, too.
    Today, I invite you to start this new life, if you haven’t yet. If you have, remain strong in living for Jesus, enjoying each day that you have with Him, now and forever.

    You can start by praying this prayer right now:
    Lord Jesus, I know that I have sinned and made mistakes. I know that You died to take my place on the cross. Please forgive me now and make me clean, so that I can live with You forever. Thank You for Your promise to do this. Thank You for Your love. Help me to live only for You and with You forever, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Let Us Know

    If you just made this commitment, or you recommitted your life today, please let us know. We would love to get to know you and encourage you. Click here to contact us.

  • What a Day!

    Hard Days

    Sometimes, life just seems too hard. Rent is due. Car needs work. Kids need new clothes. Having trouble with my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fill-in-the-blank. On top of it all, some artificial intelligence (AI) is probably about to take my job and make me obsolete!
    In some ways, in seems like it would have been easier to live in a different time. In other ways, we can marvel at what we see and be thankful that we live in this time (can you say air conditioning?). The Bible tells us about people who also went through struggles – some of them far worse.


    We can understand how Job felt. He had seven sons and three daughters. He was very wealthy, and everyone respected him. In one day, all of his cattle were either stolen or killed, and all of his children were killed. He lost all of his possessions. Later, he got some type of skin disease. He looked and felt horrible. He had nothing. He lost all of his children. All of his friends and neighbors considered him cursed of God, and even the children mocked him. His best friends came to comfort him, but they only made him feel worse.
    He no longer wanted to exist. Notice, though, that he never mentioned suicide, nor did he curse God. Instead, he praised God and confirmed his trust in Him.


    Job knew that God was loving and merciful, in spite of what was happening in his life at that time. He knew that God would eventually deliver him, and God did. After a very difficult period, God healed him, gave him seven more sons and three more daughters, restored twice as much wealth as he had before, and restored his position in his community.
    This only happened because he remained faithful.


    God called Jeremiah to prophesy against kings and other very powerful people. Of course, they did not like this, so they would often beat him, mock him, and steal his things. This had happened to Jeremiah again, and he was getting very depressed.

    He was still trusting God, and he was giving Him praise, knowing that God would eventually deliver Him. Still, he wondered:

    Why Me?

    Do you ever wonder why it seems like everyone else is doing better than you are (hint: they’re not)? We all go through trials. How we handle them determines if we get closer to God or further away.

    Good Days

    Yes, good days do come. Probably not as many as we would like, but they do come.

    Those who trust in God will be delivered.

    Looking Ahead

    The Old Testament prophets would prophesy about Jesus, the coming Messiah, the Savior of the world, but they could only see part of the picture. They could not see just how much Jesus was going to do for us, but they longed to see. Even the angels wanted to know what was going to happen.

    What a Day!

    The day that Jesus was born, our salvation was born. This day was going to affect everything that came before, everything that was, and everything that was going to come.
    Jesus came to live a perfect life, then teach us how to live an abundant life in Christ, then die for our sins, and be raised up from the dead to give us eternal life.

    Fullness of Time

    At the perfect time, Jesus came to earth as a man. He lived under the same constraints, hardships, pains, and difficulties that we all experience. Then, He paid the penalty for our sin. We all deserved death, but He took our place.


    Jesus came so that we could live with Him forever. Left to ourselves, we had no chance, because no one else has ever lived a perfect, sin-free life. He wants us to trust Him and live for Him, so that we can have eternal life, rejoicing with Him forever.

    New Heaven and Earth

    God wants to be with us forever, just like a good father loves to spend time with his children. One day, everything that we know here will pass away, and it will all be new. God will create the perfect place for us to live together with Him for all of eternity.
    Oh, what a day! What a day that will be!


    Jesus is calling to you today. Will you answer? Call to Him and speak with Him. He is waiting for you.

    If you would like someone to help you with your new life with Jesus, please contact us. We would love the opportunity to get to know you better and help you on this incredible journey.

  • Saving for the Future


    Most people want to save up for something. Maybe it’s a new car, or a better house, or college education. Whatever it is, it’s worth sacrificing a little today, so they can have something nice in the future. We all dream of a better life, nicer clothes, living in a new neighborhood, etc.
    What are we willing to give up now to get our dream in the future?

    Delay of Gratification

    Saving for the future usually requires denying ourselves something now. If we want to buy a house, we might need to rent a less-expensive apartment, so we can save up for the down payment on a house. If we want to send our children to better schools, we probably can’t go out to eat every night.
    If we want to follow Jesus now, there are some things that we have to give up.

    Self-denial sounds like a bad thing, but it’s not always bad. For example, I intentionally deny myself food I don’t like. I also deny myself the act of hitting my head against a wall (usually). Most importantly, I deny myself things that will come between me and my relationship with God. To me, not having that closeness with Jesus hurts more than wall-induced headaches.
    What are some of the things that come between us and God?


    Idolatry is when we worship someone or something more than, or instead of God alone. It can also be considering something else more important than He is to us. Throughout the Bible, God uses the example of marriage to show our relationship with Him. He created us so that He could love us.

    Here, Paul is telling us some of the things that God views as idolatry – worshiping a different god. They are also things that harm our lives and the lives of those around us.
    Immorality: Just like Adam and Eve, we were created to marry someone of the opposite sex and live with them for the rest of our lives. Any other sex might seem like fun at the time, but it always causes heartache in the end, leaving ruined lives behind.
    Impurity: There are temptations all around us in movies, the Internet, social media, or just crude jokes with friends or coworkers. What we do starts with what we think.
    Passion: Passion within a marriage is good; anything else is not.
    Evil desire: wanting something that we know we should not have. A young child might dream of eating nothing but candy and sweets. That can keep them from actually eating good, nutritious food, though.
    Greed: It can be easy, at times, to see someone else with something that we want. We might think that we deserve it more than they do. A major part of living a life pleasing to God is accepting how he created us. I will never be the richest or poorest. I will never be the best-looking or the worst-looking. There are many things that we will never be, but we will always be created in the image of God, and worthy of living a godly life.


    Paul learned, through his life experiences, how to be content, whether he had a lot or a little. He knew that wherever he was in life, His heavenly Father would be there with him, helping him every step of the way.

    Easy Labor

    Yes, we do have to work in this life, but Jesus told us to take His yoke, to take His burden. When we are living for the devil, we carry a heavy burden of sin, guilt, and shame. Jesus wants to set us free from all of that.

    The Enemy

    We do have an actual enemy called the devil or Satan. Long ago, he was jealous of God and wanted to be God. God, thankfully, did not allow that. He banished Satan from His presence. Since God created us (and not the angels) in His image, Satan hates us and delights in hurting us. This is why he tempts us with evil things. He knows that they will separate us from God. He knows that they will keep us in bondage to him, not set us free in Christ.

    Finding Your Life

    In order to have a good life now, and for eternity, we need to be willing to give up the harmful things in our lives. Nothing in this world can compare to spending eternity with Jesus in heaven, and the best part is that we don’t have to wait. We can live that abundant life right now.

    Abundant Life

    When Jesus said “abundantly”, He used a word that meant something that exceeded what was necessary – a super-abundance.

    Down Payment

    The same Holy Spirit Who was there in creation, the same Holy Spirit Who enabled Jesus to live a sin-free life, the same Holy Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead, has been given to us, by Jesus, as a pledge, or down payment, with much more to come.

    Divine Helper

    When Jesus was walking this earth with His disciples, He could only be one place at one time. In order to complete His work, He needed to be wherever His children were, whenever they needed Him. After He died for us on the cross, then was raised up again, He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us, to help us, and to give us a taste of what to expect in heaven.

    Building for the Future

    The things that we do determine what we have. If we build a shelter out of cardboard, it will protect us from the sun, but not from any rain. If we build a substantial house, with a strong foundation, strong walls, and a reinforced roof, even a hurricane won’t be able to blow it down.
    The trials of life will test what we are building today. After this life is over, there will be a judgment day that will test what we are building. If we build with gold and silver, they will only get stronger and more purified when tested by fire. We can settle for less, but the end result will ultimately be less, and might even be completely burned up.

    Crown of Righteousness

    At the end of our lives, may we all be able to say, as Paul did, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” If we do this, we will also have a “crown of righteousness” waiting for us. Truly, Jesus is the only one Who deserves this crown, but He wants to share this with everyone who has “loved His appearing.”

    Eternal Life

    Ever since the Garden of Eden, God has been calling to us to spend time with Him. Today can be the start of a new beginning for you. Call to Him today, and He will help you on a journey that we keep going up, all the way to eternity.

    If you would like to discuss this with someone or would like prayer, please send us a message by clicking here.