Saved From What?

If you were driving down the road, and someone came very close to hitting you, you would be very grateful that you were saved from what could have been a very difficult, and possibly painful, experience.
The Bible tells us that we were in a much worse situation. The choices that our parents and everyone before them made, as well as the choices that we ourselves have made, created a separation between us and God. This is what God calls sin – doing things that He told us are bad for us. When we do these things, they hurt God, maybe other people, and they always hurt us (whether we realize it or not).
Sin is actually so horrible that we deserve to die for our sins. Before Jesus came, people would sacrifice animals to partially “cover over” their sins. That was not a perfect solution, though.

Jesus Made the Way

Jesus lived a perfect life, then He died on the cross, and He rose from the dead. Since He was and is God Himself, He said that He would accept this perfect sacrifice, so that we would not have to die. If we just accept this sacrifice and start living for Jesus, we can be saved from our sins.

Saved to What?

If we live this life the way that Jesus wants us to, He said that when we die, we could live in heaven, with Him, forever. If we don’t, we will have eternal death in a very horrible place (because this is what our sins deserve).
Eternity with Jesus in heaven will be better than we could ever imagine, and it is waiting for us right now.

What Do I Need to Do?

You can start this eternal life right now. If you pray this prayer with all of your heart, Jesus has promised to forgive you of all of your sins, just as if they had never happened, then start a forever, personal relationship with you.

Salvation Prayer

Lord Jesus, I know that I have sinned and made mistakes. I know that You died to take my place on the cross. Please forgive me now and make me clean, so that I can live with You forever. Thank You for Your promise to do this. Thank You for Your love. Help me to live only for You and with You forever, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What Now?

We encourage to find a good church that believes in the Bible and Jesus Christ. We would also love to speak with you, to encourage you in your new life. Click here to contact us.