Tag: virgin

  • Miracles

    What is a Miracle?

    A miracle is an event where God intervenes in the natural world, to bring about an unlikely or impossible result. The Bible records many such events. We even hear stories of miracles today, possibly even witnessing or participating in them. The creation of the earth and the universe was miraculous.

    Creation itself was a miracle. The gospel of John states that Jesus (the Word) was with the Father and the Holy Spirit, creating everything “that has come into being.”

    Egyptian Plagues

    Many years ago, the Jewish nation was in slavery in Egypt. God wanted His people to be set free, but the Pharaoh (king) did not want to let them go, so God sent ten “plagues” on the Egyptians.

    Some of these could be explained away as “coincidence”, but not all of them. This was judgment on Egypt for enslaving the Jews. These plagues were leading up to the last plague, the death of the firstborn of all Egyptian people and animals. This is also known as Passover, because this is when the God’s judgment “passed over” His people, the Jews.
    By the way, notice how God passes judgment, not people.

    Red Sea

    The Egyptian army was probably the most powerful army at that time. The Jewish nation had nothing with which to fight, and they were not trained.

    Moses parting the Red Sea

    God supernaturally protected them. Water does not normally just stand up “like a wall” (verse 22).

    Moses parting the Red Sea

    Pharaoh’s army was destroyed, because they did not acknowledge what God was doing. Their pride blinded them to what was happening right in front of them.

    Virgin Birth

    This prophecy was about 700 years before Jesus was born. It was obviously prophesying a miracle – this goes against nature itself. It was completely impossible.

    “Know not a man” means that she was a true virgin, as most translations say. By this miracle, God married the human race, through Mary. God gave us Jesus as a gift, in a truly miraculous way, so He could perform the miracle of reconciling us to Himself.


    Jesus gave of Himself, sacrificing Himself on the cross, so that we could be reconciled with Him. God is holy, so holy that anyone with sin would instantly die in His presence. We were sinful, without any hope of heaven. Jesus paid the debt that we owed, so that we could be with Him forever.
    Even after His resurrection and returning to heaven, He continued to perform miracles through His followers, by the Holy Spirit.

    New Testament Miracles

    This Philip was not a trained minister. He had not studied the scriptures. He was chosen to help lead the feeding of the poor widows in the church. Because he loved the Lord and trusted in Him, God was using him in mighty ways.


    Jesus told His disciples that these signs would follow them. This does not mean that we should go around drinking poison and playing with cobras. It does mean that we should live supernatural lives. We should not settle for natural lives. God has created us for more.
    Creation started with a miracle. Our lives should be miracles – every day.